Easy Read Day Opportunities

Closed 31 Dec 2021

Opened 12 Oct 2021







 This is a questionnaire from Nottinghamshire County Council.

 The questions are about:

 Day Opportunities





We are looking at the way we provide day opportunities for people with care and support needs.

Day opportunities includes what people do in day services and the community during the day, evening and weekend.




We want to find out what the benefits would be if we offer more support for people to do things in their community.




People talkingOver the past year we have talked to people who use services and their carers about day opportunities.


We have also been talking to the organisations that provide services and their staff.



We asked peopleWe asked people:



What was important to them.
What they wanted to achieve.


Where they wanted to do things.
What is it that stops them doing these things.








 We found out what people thought in different ways including:


Telephone calls

Joining sessions in day services
Joining online meetings






From all the things we found out from talking to people we wrote a plan called the Day Opportunities Strategy.

The plan says what we would like to do to offer people the things they told us they wanted.




What do you think about this planThis questionnaire asks people to tell us what they think about the ideas in the plan.




CalendarYou have until 31 December 2021 to fill in the questionnaire and return it to us.


SupportIf you need help to fill out the questionnaire please ask someone who supports you.


Deaf / hard of hearing:

  • Text relay service:  Dial 18001 0115 9774050 from your textphone or the Relay UK app.
  • Download the SignVideo app to communicate with Nottinghamshire County Council in British Sign Language via an interpreter. Visit www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/contact-us for more information.