Engagement Hub

Our hub will help you to find consultation and engagement activities that interest you.

We put local people at the heart of everything we do, shaping services around the way that people live their lives. That's why we want your input

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Nottinghamshire Citizens' Panel

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Featured activities

  • Training for professionals working with children and families: from conception to age 2

    The Children’s Integrated Commissioning Hub within Nottinghamshire County Council’s Public Health Department are working to scope the training and development needs of professionals who have contact with and support children and families in their journey from conception to the age of 2. We have considered the key topics of importance for the maternity and early years workforce and have begun working with professionals to assess the priority areas in which staff and volunteers would...

    Closed 26 July 2024

  • Online community directory survey

    Have you used Notts Help Yourself and/or ASKLiON community directories ? If so, what has been your experience, and do you have any suggestions for improvement? We are seeking your input in the development of an online community directory provided by Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, and local NHS services . This directory will provide up-to-date information on services, groups, and activities across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ....

    Closes 5 August 2024

Open Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Closed activities