Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Sexual Health Resident Survey
This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. Your answers will:
- help us to plan the types of sexual health services we need locally
- identify key priorities for future sexual health services
- help us to understand how people want to access services.
Looking after your sexual health is a vital part of taking care of your physical and mental health. Good sexual health is important for all of us throughout the course of our lifetime.
Taking good care of your sexual health can include:
- planning for and using contraception
- understanding about changes to your body
- learning how to avoid sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy
- knowing where to go if you want help and advice about your sexual health.
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Councils currently commissions three Integrated Sexual Health Services (ISHS) offering a broad range of clinics at various times and venues across the county using hospital and community-based clinics. These clinics provide free and confidential sexual health services to ensure people can have their sexual health and or contraceptive needs met. Other services are available from participating GP practices and pharmacists.
At the end of the survey questions you will be able to provide some personal details that will help us identify whether we have reached a cross section of Nottinghamshire’s population. We will not be able to identify you from any of your answers. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and you can stop at any time. Whether you answer or not will not change the service that you receive. You are also free to leave out any question you do not want to answer.
Protecting your personal data.
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Council are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring all personal information is kept confidential and safe.
For more details see our consultations and surveys privacy notices at:
For more details see our general and service specific privacy notices at:
- Privacy Statement | Nottinghamshire County Council
- Public Health Services Privacy Notices | Nottinghamshire County Council
- Public Health Commissioned Services (
- Nottingham City Council Privacy Notice - Nottingham City Council
All your answers will be about your past, present or future use of sexual health services in Nottingham/Nottinghamshire.