Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) improvement activity

Closes 30 Oct 2025

Opened 18 Oct 2023


A call for involvement in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) improvement activity

Following the Ofsted/CQC inspection outcome in May 2023, the local area partnership has set out its plan for the improvement of SEND services. More information is available in the plan which can be found here.

Alongside our improvements, Nottinghamshire County Council and NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, are committed to engaging with families across Nottinghamshire and giving the opportunity for families to share their experiences to inform and shape SEND services.  

If you would like to receive updates about SEND engagement opportunities, please complete the short survey below and share your email address.

We are also asking families for their views about what they would like to see included in future editions of the SEND newsletter.

By providing your email address you agree to be contacted about SEND surveys, events and /or discussion groups. We also intend to add your email address to our SEND newsletter mailing list. We will keep your contact details on record while this work is ongoing or if you change your mind. If you no longer wish to be involved, please contact Sophie.Carroll@nottscc.gov.uk. 

Please see our consultation and surveys privacy notice for more details: Consultations and surveys privacy notice | Nottinghamshire County Council.

Give us your views