Family Service Consultation

Closed 29 Jul 2019

Opened 1 Jul 2019


Nottinghamshire County Council’s Early Help offer for Parents, Children & Young People is considering a set of changes in response to the end of the government’s Troubled Families programme, which is due to end on 31 March 2020.

Nottinghamshire County Council manages the local Troubled Families programme through the Family Service. The Family Service supports children, young people over the age of five and their families to help resolve significant problems and provide support. In appropriate cases it offers families a case manager who will get to know the strengths and needs of family and will coordinate support. It also provides a range of one to one interventions for young people, such as anger management, classroom behavior, child sexual exploitation risk awareness, online safety and healthy relationships, and a wide range of parenting programmes for parents and carers.

As part of a four-week consultation, the council is seeking people’s views on plans to review the Family Service and the potential changes to the service it provides.