Nottinghamshire County Council's Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Policy (0-25 Years)
The Nottinghamshire SEND Accountability Board’s vision is for
All children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to be safe and happy and have a good quality of life with opportunities to fulfil their aspirations, develop their independence and make a positive contribution to society.
The draft SEND Policy sets out the County Council’s key principles and commitments to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND over the next three years. The draft policy reflects the recommendations arising from the 2018 High Needs Review and the subsequent consultation, including the feedback from the additional questions for parents and carers.
The draft policy takes into account key changes in legislation, as well as current local and national priorities. It is also aligned with the 2017-2021 County Council’s Plan Your Nottinghamshire Your Future, including the following commitments:
- Families prosper and achieve their potential (commitment 1)
- Children are kept safe from harm (commitment 2)
- Children and young people go to good schools and early years settings (commitment 3)
- People are healthier (commitment 6)
- People can access the right care and support at the right time (commitment 9).
The draft policy outlines six ‘Next Steps’ required to deliver the commitments.
The delivery of the policy will be monitored by the Council’s SEND Strategic Action Plan, which is reviewed at the quarterly Nottinghamshire SEND Accountability Board, whose members include the Local Authority (including Elected Members), parents and carers, schools and other learning providers, health commissioners and providers.
We would very much welcome your views and comments on the draft policy. The consultation provides an opportunity for partners, including parents and carers, to tell the County Council their views on the draft policy and to provide suggestions for its improvement. The design of the questions for this consultation have been informed by comments received from partners, including parents and carers, about the previous High Needs Review consultation.
The successful delivery of the draft policy will require the support of all partners, so it is therefore important that this consultation reaches the widest possible audience.
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