St Giles Special School: Proposal for change in number of pupils

Closed 8 Jan 2024

Opened 11 Dec 2023


From December 2023, modifications of St Giles School will allow for an additional 35 pupils, from 170 to 205.

As St Giles School is a local authority maintained special school, Nottinghamshire County Council is required to undertake a statutory consultation since the roll of this special school is planned to increase by +10% [see p.24 Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained schools (] January 2023

Nottinghamshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Place Planning Strategy (2021-2026) states that:

  • Despite the planned actions to develop locality working, and the ongoing commitment to inclusion, the analysis of the continuing demand for specialist educational placements … will require the County Council to increase provision over the next five years.
  • This pressure for additional placements exists now… as an additional 275-490 places in specialist provision (are needed) by September 2026, with up to 239 places required for September 2023.
  • … Most of the additional placements (will be) … located … on existing mainstream school sites … to allow opportunities for integration and access to the National Curriculum.  This is especially important for the cohort of children and young people with social, emotional, and mental health needs.

Therefore, Nottinghamshire County Council is proposing the expansion of a current Special School,  St Giles, permitting 35 extra places to be available for local young people.

Pupil numbers:

The current capacity of St Giles School is 170. Following the proposed modifications, the capacity of St Giles School will rise to 205.


All 35 additional places will be allocated during the Autumn Term 2023 and the Spring Term 2024.


The allocation of additional places at this Special School will continue to be managed by the Statutory Education Health & Care Assessment Team of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Integrated Children's Disability Service (ICDS). Places will be allocated to those children with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) specifying specialist provision which can be offered at St Giles.

Please note, there will be no pupils displaced by this proposal.

The proposed increase in roll at St Giles will:

  • increase the LA’s capacity to provide more places for pupils with SEND in Bassetlaw and surrounding areas in high quality provision.
  • increase the school’s capacity to place pupils with SEND who move into the area and who might be without a special school place.
  • create an opportunity to host more teacher training places at the school, thus increasing the special needs experience of teachers for the future. 
  • reduce the need for pupils with SEND to be placed at a greater distance from where they live, or to move to independent provision.
  • improve the outcomes for pupils with SEND.
  • increase the school’s capacity to meet the needs of its pupils with the highest levels of need.
  • increase the capacity of local special schools.
  • enhance opportunities to build partnerships with local mainstream schools.


The Local Authority is confident that the school site will be easily accessible to existing and new pupils using current means of transport.