Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2025

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Closes 12 Jan 2025

Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2025

All questions below refer to your community pharmacy / local chemist.

1. Why do you usually visit a pharmacy?
There is a limit of 1200 characters
2. How often have you visited or contacted a pharmacy in the last six months?
3. What time and day is most convenient for you to use a pharmacy? (Please tick each time on each day that applies to you)




4. Do you have a regular local community pharmacy?
5. Is there a specific reason you prefer your current pharmacy, even though there might be others nearby or more convenient?
There is a limit of 1200 characters
6. What influences your choice of pharmacy? (Please tick one level of importance for each reason)
There is a limit of 1200 characters
7. How do you usually travel to the pharmacy?
There is a limit of 1200 characters
8. How long does it approximately take you to travel to the pharmacy?
9. Are there any services you would like pharmacies to be able to offer?
There is a limit of 1200 characters
10. Do you have any other comments that you would like to add regarding services provided by pharmacies in Nottinghamshire?
There is a limit of 1200 characters