Nottinghamshire Visitor Economy Strategy Feedback Survey

Closed 14 Oct 2022

Opened 5 Sep 2022


Help us shape plans to make Nottinghamshire an even better place where people love to live, work and visit.

In 2018, the visitor economy was one of the UK’s largest and fastest growing industries, generating £106 billion Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a year. It employed over 2 million people and supported thousands of businesses.  
However, the arrival of the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in the Visitor Economy being one of the worst hit sectors.  

We have an ongoing commitment to help this sector recover and thrive which is why we have updated our current Visitor Economy strategy.

We now  want to get feedback from our partners and those who work in this sector to help make sure the updated strategy is on the right lines.  

You can read our proposed strategy here

It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

For further information contact: Laura Simpson, Visitor Economy Manager on