A614 A6097 Major Road Network Improvements - Mickledale Lane Option 2
In July 2019, Nottinghamshire County Council and Via East Midlands held six consultation events showcasing proposals for the A614/A6097 which included junction improvements to:
- Ollerton Roundabout
- Mickledale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe
- Deerdale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe
- Warren Hill
- White Post Roundabout
- Lowdham Roundabout
Working in partnership, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC), Via East Midlands (Via EM) and AECOM, have recently been reworking a number of the junction layouts along the A614/A6097 corridor as part of the package of improvements proposed under the A614 A9097 Major Road Network Scheme.
A revised business case was submitted in December 2020 and we are awaiting an announcement from the DfT as to whether our bid for funding was successful. The consultation events held July/August 2019 to showcase the scheme received overwhelming support for the measures proposed at Ollerton and Bilsthorpe. During development of the design, road safety issues have been identified relating specifically to the proposed traffic signal option at the A614 / Mickledale Lane; the concerns relate to safe access and egress of HGVs at the café.
For more information and to have your say visit: https://a614.consultation.ai/Mickledale
Paper copies of the proposals and a feedback form are also available on request by calling 0115 9939325 or e-mailing a614improvement@viaem.co.uk
Consultation Closes 6 June 2021
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