Proposal for land east of Sutton Parkway, Low Moor Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Nottinghamshire County Council is proposing to bring forward planning applications for approximately 320 new homes on land east of Sutton Parkway, Lowmoor Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield.
The site is owned by the Council and forms part of a county-wide drive to create much-needed new housing in sustainable locations.
Funding has been secured from Homes England as part of the Local Authority Accelerated Construction Fund to help bring these sites forward for development and provide the necessary infrastructure.
In addition to the new homes, which include affordable housing, the proposals would provide a range of facilities including children’s play areas, a potential community garden / orchard as well as improved pedestrian and cycle links with the surrounding area.
Sustainability will also be a key focus and both developments would have an all-electric approach with homes heated by air source heat pumps and the capacity for electrical vehicle charging.
Find out more about the proposals and the public consultation, or provide feedback through an online survey, by visiting the project website.
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