Nottinghamshire Suicide Prevention Strategy
We are seeking views on the draft refresh of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Suicide Prevention Strategy.
Suicide has a devastating and long-lasting impact on individuals, families, communities and society. In Nottinghamshire County there were 168 deaths by suicide over the three year period of 2015 – 2017 and recent figures nationally show there are an average of 16 suicides every day. Suicide is complex, with many causes and risk factors, but we know that it is possible to prevent suicides by identifying risks, addressing them and acting to reduce the impact of suicide on those it affects.
The Government recommends that all local areas develop suicide prevention strategies to consider these risks in a local context. Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City’s current strategies end this year and a new joint strategy has been drafted for 2019-2023. It allows us to take new developments into account and provides the opportunity to review what our communities' views and priorities are.
The overall aim of the strategy is to reduce the rate of suicide and self-harm, and has five priority areas:
• identifying and addressing at-risk groups;
• sensible use of local data;
• bereavement support;
• staff training;
• working with the media.
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