Baby bank survey for stakeholder organisations

Closed 1 Mar 2024

Opened 22 Jan 2024


As part of the work of the Best Start in Life Strategic Partnership and the Child Poverty Partnership Group we are exploring the need for baby banks in Nottinghamshire and mapping local provision.

A baby bank works in a similar way to a food bank, but instead of giving out food, families can get free baby items. This can include nappies and toiletries, clothing, cots, prams, highchairs and toys. With the exception of toiletries and nappies, most items are pre-loved donations, but must be in good condition. As a result of rising prices, an increasing number of parents are now relying on baby banks for baby essentials that they simply can’t afford.

This consultation will help us to capture what provision currently exists and to explore what support, if any, is required to help voluntary and community sector organisations develop or extend their services, taking into account local need and access. This is in the context of a response to the cost of living challenges faced by many families.

As key local stakeholders in the community and voluntary sector, we appreciate your insight into how we can potentially increase the provision and build a network of baby banks to support Nottinghamshire families.

This short survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

This survey closes on Friday, 1 March 2024.