Consultation on admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2019-2020

Closed 26 Nov 2017

Opened 2 Oct 2017


Consultation on admission arrangements 2019-20 is now closed.

Period of consultation: 2 Oct to 26 Nov 2017

View the consultation on school admission arrangements for 2020-2021.

This consultation invites you to give your views about the proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire for 2019-2020.  

Background information

Admission authorities

There are different types of schools in Nottinghamshire.  The County Council is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools. This means that we are responsible for the admission arrangements for these schools.

Other types of schools - academies, foundation, studio, trust and voluntary aided schools are own admission authorities.  These schools are responsible for their own admission arrangements and have to run their own consultation.  You would need to visit individual school websites for details.

Admission arrangements including oversubscription criteria

All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including information about what happens if there are more applications than places available (oversubscription criteria).

All admission authorities must include the oversubscription criteria in their arrangements.  The criteria must be reasonable, clear, objective, procedurally fair, and comply with all relevant legislation, including equalities legislation.

It is for admission authorities to decide which criteria are most suitable for the school according to the local circumstances.  

Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools have defined catchment areas and children living in these areas have higher priority for places than children outside of catchment. This supports parents who wish their children to attend a local publicly funded school. 

This does not prevent parents who live outside the catchment area of a school, or even outside Nottinghamshire, from expressing a preference for that school. 

Children living in the catchment area with a brother or sister (sibling) attending the school are given priority over other children living inside the catchment area.  Children living outside the catchment area with a brother or sister attending the school are given priority over all other children living outside the catchment area.

You can give your views on the consultation between 2 October 2017 and 26 November 2017

Full details of the proposed admission arrangements for 2019-2020 are available at