Summary of consultation on admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2021-2022

Closed 24 Nov 2019

Opened 7 Oct 2019


Nottinghamshire County Council is consulting on admission arrangements 2021-2022 for community and voluntary controlled schools within Nottinghamshire.

These arrangements are relevant for children who will be starting primary school, moving to junior school, moving to secondary school and children transferring school during the school year 2021-2022.

What happens next

What happens after the consultation closes?

All responses received by 24 November 2019 will be considered. Elected members (County Councillors) make a decision on behalf of Nottinghamshire taking into account a range of information, including the consultation responses. All admission authorities have to agree the admission arrangements that are most suitable according to the local circumstances.

Determining admission arrangements 2021-2022

Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools must be agreed (determined) by Nottinghamshire County Council by 28 February 2020 even if there have been no changes from previous years.

Publication of determined arrangements 2021-2022

Once Nottinghamshire County Council has determined their admission arrangements, they will be available on the public website for the whole offer year (the academic year in which offers for places are made). Local authorities must publish on their website by 15 March 2020.