Increasing confidence and involvement of parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
Nottinghamshire County Council is currently carrying out a consultation about how we can make the most of the available funding and resources to enable the best educational outcomes for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). Like most Local Authorities, the County Council is facing increasing demand and costs, which has resulted in a shortfall in the High Needs Block Grant from Government, which funds education and support for children or young people with SEND. The proposals being consulted on do not include any proposals to reduce budgets, rather they reflect new ways of working to make better use of available resources.
The two goals of the consultation are:
(1) Decisions about the needs of children and young people with SEND are made by those who best understand their needs, and
(2) The creation of additional high quality education provision to meet these needs. This additional provision will provide more local alternatives for children and young people.
Following feedback from parents, carers and the Nottinghamshire Parent and Carer Forum about the current High Needs Review survey, we would like to hear from parents and carers about what they think would increase their confidence in the decision making around the education provision for children and young people with SEND.
Please take the time to complete this short survey so that your views and feedback can help influence this process.