Lake View Primary and Nursery School: Proposal for alteration of age range

Closes 27 Mar 2025

Opened 28 Feb 2025


Statutory proposal for alteration of age range

Lake View Primary and Nursery School, Rainworth Water Road, Rainworth, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0DU.

The age range at Lake View Primary and Nursery School be lowered to 2- 11 years from the existing 3 - 11 years, this would enable the school to open a small early years unit adding an additional 10 places to the school’s existing nursery provision. This will be effective from the start of Autumn Term 2025.

The proposal, approved by the governing body on 18 December 2024, will require no additional or change of access to the school site and will operate in line with the school’s existing provision and existing term and holiday patterns.

The school will continue to work with existing local nurseries, schools and childminders to ensure quality childcare provision is available to families within the local area.

There will be no change to statutory school places within the school.


Pupil numbers:

The intake of additional 2 year olds will be for 10 places offered from a small early years unit.


The current admissions arrangements of Lake View Primary and Nursery School will not be affected by this proposal.

Displaced pupils:

There will be no pupils displaced by this proposal.

Impact on the community:

The school governing body approved this proposal on 18 December 2024.

The proposal involves an increase in 10 places at the school. The provision will operate in line with the school’s existing provision and existing term and holiday patterns.

The provision will require no additional or change of access to the school site.

Our school has established and valued relationships with local providers of early years childcare, including for 2 year olds, and we intend to continue our relationships with local nurseries, schools and childminders.

Our intention is to continue to work with existing local childcare providers, as we already do, to ensure quality childcare provision is available to families within the local area.


In order to reduce any impact on traffic and parking on streets local to the school, the start and end time of the 2 year old childcare provision will be staggered from the main school start and end times.