HAS MADE- Parking Places, Beacon Hill Road, Newark-TRO 3314

Closed 11 Dec 2020

Opened 30 Oct 2020


Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. The County Council has received requests to provide short-term parking on Beacon Hill Road, Newark.  It has introduced two, one-hour, limited-waiting parking bays outside numbers 100 and 102.  The bays would be in operation Mon-Sat 7am-7pm; as shown on drawing number H/MN/3446/01. The restriction will prevent this area from being occupied all day by a single vehicle and therefore provides opportunities for visitors and customers of local business to park for short periods. Overnight and on Sundays the bay would be available to all vehicles for unrestricted parking.