HAS MADE_ 7.5T weight restriction on Gorsethorpe Lane, Kings Clipstone-TRO 3325

Closed 20 Aug 2021

Opened 8 Jul 2021


Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. The County Council has received a request to reduce the existing Weight Limit from 18T to a 7.5T Environmental Weight Restriction on Gorsethorpe Lane, Kings Clipstone.  This change will provide consistency of restrictions in the local area to prevent the use of an unsuitable rural and village highway network by HGV through-traffic.

To address this request, it is HAS reduced existing 18T Weight Limit Order to a 7.5T Environmental Weight Restriction, on Gorsethorpe Lane from its junction of A6075 Mansfield Road in a south-easterly direction to its junction with B6030 Main Road, Kings Clipstone. Exemptions will apply to vehicles requiring access to premises within the restricted lengths of roads. The proposals are shown on drawing number H/MN/3648/01.