Oddicroft Lane and Penny Emma Way, Sutton-in-Ashfield) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (4205) – REVISED PROPOSALS
Planning permission has been granted (ref: V/2017/0140) for the construction of an industrial unit comprising of warehouse and office space off Oddicroft Lane, Sutton-in-Ashfield.
Proposals to introduce double yellow lines (no waiting at any time) restrictions along the frontage of the new development were consulted on between 13th December 2017 and 17th January 2018. Following comments received and a subsequent safety audit, the proposed restrictions have been amended to retain some on-street parking on the western side of Oddicroft Lane. The amended proposals consist of double yellow lines around the access roads to premises on both sides of Oddicroft Lane to ensure visibility is maintained for drivers entering and exiting these premises.
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