Proposed Parking Restrictions - Rowan Drive, Kirkby-in-Ashfield TRO 4252
In June 2018, double yellow lines were introduced on Sutton Middle Lane at its junction with Rowan Drive to address issues with parked vehicles obstructing bus movements around the junction. It was originally proposed to introduce further restrictions on Rowan Drive, opposite the junction with Sutton Middle Lane. However, after receiving objections to this element of the scheme, it was felt that the removal of obstructive parking on the junction itself may be sufficient to address the issue and the proposed double yellow lines on Rowan Drive, opposite the junction with Sutton Middle Lane, were therefore dropped.
Since the double yellow lines were introduced on Sutton Middle Lane, NCC has continued to receive reports from Trent Barton that bus drivers are having difficulty manoeuvring around the junction and this is due to vehicles parked on Rowan Drive, opposite the junction.
It is therefore proposed to introduce double yellow lines as shown on drawing number H/JMR/3319/01.
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