Proposed Zebra Crossing - Sherwood Street, Warsop & The Nottinghamshire County Council (Longden Terrace, Warsop) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2021 2245

Closed 3 Aug 2021

Opened 6 Jul 2021


Via East Midlands Ltd in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council is proposing to install a Zebra Crossing on Sherwood Street, outside the Sherwood Junior School. The proposed crossing will provide a safer crossing facility for pedestrians over this busy road.


The Zebra Crossing will incorporate a controlled area indicated by zig-zag markings along the approaches to the crossing within which parking and loading by vehicles will be prohibited at all times.


A copy of the statutory Public Notice, stating the County Council’s intention to introduce the Zebra Crossing and a plan showing the location and extents of the controlled area is attached for your information.


Any comments in respect of this proposal should be received by 3rd August 2021.


Please do not hesitate to contact me on 0115 804 3687 if you require further information or wish to discuss any aspect of the proposal.


The proposed crossing is being installed to assist pedestrians, especially school children, in crossing the road. The raised crossing plateau (17 metres wide) is intended to slow vehicles down on the approach to the crossing. In addition, the scheme includes the introduction of waiting restrictions (Single Yellow Line Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm) on Longden Terrace.