SEALED ORDER DOCUMENTS - (Burton Road, Colliery Way (Gedling Access Road) and Lambley Lane, Gedling. Arnold Lane and Mapperley Plains, Mapperley) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Clearway) Order (7220)

Closed 6 May 2022

Opened 21 Mar 2022


This order is part of the traffic regulation orders associated with the new Colliery Way (Gedling Access Road). The double yellow lines have been introduced to remove parked vehicles from the roads around the new mini roundabout on Lambley Lane to ensure that there is no obstruction to traffic using Lambley Lane and the link road to Colliery Way (Gedling Access Road). The double yellow lines between Arnold Lane and Colliery Way (Gedling Access Road) are to remove obstructive parking from the new narrower road layout. The clearway will help ensure that the traffic on the rural parts of Arnold Lane and Colliery Way (Gedling Access Road) is free flowing and unhindered by parked and stopped vehicles.