The Nottinghamshire County Council (B6035 Forest Road and B6035 Sherwood Street, Market Warsop) (50 M.P.H. and 40 M.P.H. Speed Limit) Order 2019 (2228)

Closed 17 Sep 2019

Opened 20 Aug 2019


It is proposed to reduce the speed limit on two stretches of Forest Road and Sherwood Street, Market Warsop. The speed limit will be reduced from 60mph to 50mph between the A6075 Mansfield Road and a point just before the cluster of houses on Forest Road. From this point the speed limit will be reduced from 60mph to 40mph up to the existing 30mph terminal signs on Sherwood Street. The proposals are shown on drawing number H/JMR/3066/01.


The proposed speed limit is designed to improve road safety for all highway users and to support compliance with the existing speed limit within the town of Market Warsop