The Nottinghamshire County Council (Lawns Road and Skegby Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (4222)
Concerns have been raised about obstructive parking at the junction of Lawns Road and Skegby Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield reducing visibility and access for drivers and pedestrians using the junction. It is proposed to introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) around the junction to address these concerns.
Requests have also been received to improve the accessibility of the bus stop (AS0554) on the north-eastern side of Skegby Road. The bus stop is currently located outside property 16a Skegby Road where there is a low dropped kerb forming the vehicular access to this property. The low kerb can make boarding and alighting a bus particularly difficult for some passengers with limited mobility, using a wheelchair or accompanied by pushchairs. It is therefore proposed to relocate the bus stop approximately 15 metres to the north west of its current position and introduce a bus stop clearway (no stopping at any time, except buses). The new proposed location is outside the frontage of the Co-op store.
The proposals are shown on drawing number H/JMR/2749/01.
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