The Nottinghamshire County Council (Various Sites in Warsop) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (2219)

Closed 16 Nov 2018

Opened 24 Oct 2018


Nottinghamshire County Council has received requests from Warsop Parish Council to address obstructive parking at various junctions in the town. Parking too close to junctions can cause visibility and access issues for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

It is proposed to introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) at the following locations:

  • Hetts Lane, at its junction with Church Street (drawing number H/JMR/2701/01)
  • Carr Lane, at its junctions with King Road and Stonebridge Road (drawing number H/JMR/2702/01)
  • Sherwood Street, at its junctions with Oakfield Lane and Top Sandy Lane (drawing number H/JMR/2703/01)