Active Travel Fund – Dovecote Lane, Beeston
Welcome and thank you for expressing an interest in the County Council’s proposed Active Travel Fund scheme for Dovecote Lane in Beeston.
Nottinghamshire County Council has been successful in securing funding for several potential cycle and footway improvement schemes across the county and to implement behavioural change measures within these local areas. In February/March 2021 a public consultation was carried out for each of the proposed schemes. The feedback from public consultation has been used to develop the proposed scheme design. The County has also reviewed comments received during and since the first consultation and has produced a list of frequently asked questions to accompany the consultation.
Please take time to read the description of the scheme and the FAQs before completing the online consultation. The survey link can be found below.
Please ensure your response is submitted by Wednesday 13 April 2022; the replies will be reviewed and fed into the decision-making process.
If you would like to find out more about how we use your data, please use the link to Via's Privacy Notice and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Privacy Notice.
Further details of all the Active Travel Fund proposed schemes in Nottinghamshire and the Active Travel Fund Consultation Plan can be found on the Nottinghamshire Active Travel Fund webpage.
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