Active Travel Fund – Dovecote Lane, Beeston
The Active Travel Fund (ATF) has been created by the Department for Transport (DfT) to fund active travel schemes that help deliver government’s plans to boost greener, active transport and to make walking and cycling safer during the pandemic. The purpose of the fund is to implement interventions that encourage more cycling and walking with a view to embedding cycling and walking as part of long-term travel habits. Schemes funded by the ATF will support social distancing in the short-term and offer significant long-term health, environmental and congestion benefits.
Nottinghamshire County Council has been successful in securing funding for several potential cycle and footway improvement schemes across the county and to implement behavioural change measures within these local areas. The next stage is to carry out a public consultation for each proposed scheme and your views and comments are welcome.
All of the proposed schemes complement the work that the Council already undertakes to help deliver national and local aims to improve the economy, environment, health and wellbeing, and create thriving communities. The schemes being consulted on therefore ties-in to current programmes the Council delivers to help reduce the impacts of journey time delay and harmful emissions, make our networks safer, and help people access local jobs, training, shops, services and leisure opportunities.
The proposed scheme in Beeston will close Dovecote Lane to all vehicular through-traffic, at a point approximately 95m south of its junction with B6464 Middle Street. A planter, located on Dovecote Lane at the closure point, will physically prevent the route being used as a through-route for vehicles. Access along the route for pedestrians and cyclists will be retained, with gaps to each side of the planter to facilitate this. The closure will provide a quiet route for cyclists and link the A6005 / NCN6 cycle route to the town centre and wider cycle network.
The consultation for the proposed ATF Tranche 2 scheme on Beeston Cycling Improvements closed on Sunday 7th March 2021. The consultation plan can be viewed at the bottom of this webpage (within the ‘related’ section).
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Further details of all the Active Travel Fund proposed schemes in Nottinghamshire and the Active Travel Fund Consultation Plan can be found here: Nottinghamshire Active Travel Fund.
What happens next
Thank you for submitting your comments via the consultation. Once reviewed, all comments will be published on this webpage.
A wide range of comments have been received on the proposed scheme on Dovecote Lane in Beeston, as part of the Beeston cycling improvements scheme. Further design work will be undertaken to determine if any local concerns can be accommodated for in a revised scheme design. Should a suitable scheme be identified, a further round of consultation will be undertaken to determine if the revised scheme should be constructed.
For further information on the consultation timeline visit Nottinghamshire County Councils Active Travel Fund Consultation Plan at
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