Consultation on the Local Funding Formula for Schools 2021-22

Closed 6 Dec 2020

Opened 23 Nov 2020


This consultation concerns the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block funding for 2021-22 and the distribution of this through the local funding formula. It seeks the views of maintained schools and academies on the funding formula changes the County Council and Schools Forum should consider for 2021-22. 

A separate consultation will be held for the 2021-22 Early Years local funding formula in due course.

The consultation will be open from Monday 23 November 2020 and close on Sunday 6 December 2020. It provides an opportunity for schools to express their views on the proposals. Responses will be considered by the Schools Forum on Thursday 10 December 2020.

Please view the following documents before completing the survey: 

2021-22 Schools Local Funding Formula Consultation [PDF] 

2021-22 Schools Funding Formula Consultation Appendix 1 [ PDF]

2021-22 School Funding Formula Consultation Appendix 2: Illustrative School Budgets [EXCEL]

Why your views matter

To consult about the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block funding for 2021-22 and the distribution of this through the local funding formula. To seek the views of maintained schools and academies on the funding formula changes the County Council and Schools Forum should consider for 2021-22.