1275 results
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Ewe Lamb Lane, Lyndale Road and Marshall Drive, Bramcote) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (5236) – Public Advert
The provision is required to provide junction protection to improve access for the bus service that runs between Stapleford and Beeston. MoreClosed 25 July 2017 -
Banks Road / Seaburn Road, Toton – Proposed Double Yellow Lines (TRO 5237) – Public Advert
The provision is required to improve access for the bus service that runs between Stapleford and Beeston. MoreClosed 26 July 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Mill Croft and Silk Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (4198)
The proposals are designed to improve visibility for drivers when entering and exiting the junction of Mill Croft and Silk Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. MoreClosed 26 July 2017 -
Prohibition of Parking. Various Roads Ordsall
Following the expansion of pupil numbers at Ordsall Primary School it is proposed to prohibit the parking of vehicles at various junctions in the vicinity of the School. This will help to reduce instances of obstruction by vehicles parking on footways and enhance the safety of vulnerable highway users particularly schoolchildren in this area. MoreClosed 27 July 2017 -
Park Avenue, West Bridgford – Proposed Changes To Existing Residents Parking Scheme (TRO 8264)
The proposals are designed to provide a greater deterrent to visitors tempted to use Park Avenue to avoid car parking charges. MoreClosed 28 July 2017 -
Stoke Lane and Trent Valley Way(A612), Stoke Bardolph – 40mph Speed Limit and No U Turn
Introduce 40mph speed limit between Trent Valley Way (A612) and Stoke Bardolph. Introduce a U turn ban on Trent Valley Way at the junction with Stoke Lane for traffic travelling towards Burton Joyce. MoreClosed 4 August 2017 -
Provision Of Raised Zebra Crossing, Main Road, Radcliffe On Trent – Notice
The proposals are to create a flat top road hump and zebra crossing on Main Road in Radcliffe to improve pedestrian amenity and access around the village centre. MoreClosed 4 August 2017 -
Proposed 40mph Speed Limit A60 Nottingham Road Harlow Wood
To implement a 40mph speed limit which will better reflect the characteristics of the road at this location and enhance safety for the highway user in general. MoreClosed 9 August 2017 -
Church Street and Swinecote Road, Edwinstowe – Proposed 30mph Speed Limit
Extend the existing 30mph speed limit on Swinecote Road, Edwinstowe. The changes are part of the works for the new Sherwood Forest Visitors Centre and the new associated zebra crossing. MoreClosed 11 August 2017 -
Wilkinson Avenue, Beeston, Amendments to Residents’ Controlled Zone Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (5243)
The proposals are designed to increase the number of parking spaces available for resident within the existing Residents Parking Scheme. MoreClosed 14 August 2017 -
Southern Growth Corridor Public Transport Improvements – Beeston Area
The scheme is designed to improve accessibility to the bus stops and to improve access for buses to the stop enable passengers to board/alight safely. MoreClosed 18 August 2017 -
Vale Road, Colwick – Waiting Restrictions and Bus Lane
As part of the “Southern Growth Corridor” bus service improvements around Nottingham, it is proposed to introduce a new bus lane and new parking restrictions on Vale Road, Colwick. MoreClosed 21 August 2017 -
Carlton, Colwick, Gedling and Netherfield – Proposed Bus Stop Clearways
As part of the “Southern Growth Corridor” bus service improvements around Nottingham, it is proposed to introduce new bus stop clearways in the Carlton, Colwick, Gedling and Netherfield areas. MoreClosed 21 August 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Broadgate Avenue, Beeston) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (5241) – Public Advert
The provision is required to address issues with obstructive and commuter parking. MoreClosed 31 August 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (A6002 Coventry Lane, Bramcote) (50 MPH Speed Limit) Order 2017 (5244) - Public Advert
To introduce a 50mph speed limit MoreClosed 1 September 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Baulk Lane) (Prohibition of Waiting & Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (1201)
To install a limited waiting provision outside the leisure centre and school to improve access. MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Epperstone Road Area, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Residents’ Controlled Zone) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8263)
The provision is required to improve parking facilities for residents by removing non-residential parked vehicles from Epperstone Road and George Road and to provide short stay parking on Patrick Road. MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
Mansfield District Area – Bus Stop Clearways
Introduce Bus Stop Clearways to Lindhurst Lane Mansfield, Leeming Street Mansfield, Holly Road Mansfield, Winthorpe Street Mansfield, Station Street Mansfield and Laurel Avenue Church Warsop. MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
Main Street, Calverton – Installation of new zebra crossing
To improve access to the local shops and to improve safety for school children crossing the road at this location MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
Union Street & Market Street, Bingham (Prohibition of Movements) (8253)
To assist customers accessing the local shops. MoreClosed 20 September 2017 -
Proposed 40mph Speed Limit B6387 Gamston Road, Nr. Bothamsall, Retford
To implement a 40mph speed limit in the vicinity of the Bevercotes Colliery Access Road which will better reflect the characteristics of the new road layout at this location and enhance safety for the highway user in general. MoreClosed 22 September 2017 -
Park Avenue, West Bridgford – Proposed Changes To Existing Residents Parking Scheme (TRO 8264) - Public Advert 2
The proposals are designed to provide additional parking spaces and times for residents and to provide short term (2 hours parking) for non-residents. MoreClosed 22 September 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Nottingham Road, Rycroft Street and Wadsworth Road Area, Stapleford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (5239)
The provision is required to address issues with obstructive parking. MoreClosed 23 September 2017 -
Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse – Proposed Limited Waiting Bays and Prohibition of Waiting (initial consultation)
The proposals are intended to improve access to short-term on-street parking for visitors to community facilities on Forest Road and to prevent obstructive parking at the Forest Road/Skegby Road junction to ensure that visibility is maintained for pedestrians and drivers. MoreClosed 2 October 2017 -
B6018 Sutton Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield – Bus Stop Clearway
To introduce ‘no stopping at any time, except buses’ on the existing bus stop which is marked on the road. MoreClosed 4 October 2017 -
B6386 Oxton to Southwell – Proposed 50mph Speed Limit
Introduce 50mph speed limit on the B6386 between Oxton (A6097) and Southwell. MoreClosed 9 October 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Broomhill Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (5240) - Public Advert
To address issues with obstructive parking. MoreClosed 9 October 2017 -
Main Road, Kirkby Woodhouse – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting and Bus Stop Clearways (initial consultation)
The proposals are intended to improve access along Main Road for buses and other vehicles and ensure visibility is maintained for vehicles entering and exiting Bird’s Lane and Swifts View, Kirkby Woodhouse. MoreClosed 9 October 2017 -
The Nottinghamshire County Council (Westgate, Worksop) (Amendment to Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (1205)
To improve access to the nearby health care centre. MoreClosed 9 October 2017 -
Victoria Street, Newark On Trent – RPS Scheme
To improve parking provision for local residents that has been limited recently due to commuter parking. MoreClosed 13 October 2017
1275 results.
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