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1380 results

  • TRO 8309 Cropwell Bishop Parking Restriction - Advert

    Following reports of inappropriate and inconsiderate parking and in order to ease traffic movements in the village, it is proposed to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions (Double Yellow Lines) along parts of Nottingham Road, Fern Road, Church Street, Kinoulton Road, Old Lenton Close, Hoe View Road, Field Lane, St Giles Way, The Maltings and Stockwell Lane, Cropwell Bishop. The proposals have been designed to retain some on street parking, which will have a chicane effect and... More
    Opened 20 October 2020
  • Proposed Parking Restrictions At the following junctions in Keyworth - Adams Hill, Bunny Lane, Brook View Drive, Dale Road, Debdale Lane, Highfield Road, Nottingham Road, Park Drive and Walton Drive-TRO 8303

    Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. Concerns have been raised about obstructive parking on the highway and at the following junctions Adams Hill, Bunny Lane, Brook View Drive, Dale Road, Debdale Lane, Highfield Road, Nottingham Road, Park Drive and Walton Drive, Keyworth. This reduces visibility for drivers and pedestrians using the junctions and adversely affects the effective operation of the highway.... More
    Opened 22 October 2020
  • Proposed changes to parking restrictions -Elm Avenue, Selby Lane and Windmill Court, Keyworth -TRO 8311

    Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver Highway Services. Nottinghamshire County Council have received requests for changes to current parking restrictions in the Selby Lane area of Keyworth. In response it is proposed to introduce double yellow line restrictions (No Waiting At Any Time) around the junctions, to improve visibility for drivers and pedestrians using these junctions. In addition, the existing single yellow line (No Waiting... More
    Opened 22 October 2020
  • TRO 5295 Hall Drive, Chilwell - DYL - ADVERT

    As part of the pedestrian crossing faciliy improvements at the junction of Hall Drive and Bramcote Lane, Chilwell, it is proposed to introudce No Waiting At Any Time (Double Yellow Lines) around the junction. This will improve visibilty for all road users. More
    Opened 22 October 2020
  • SEALED ORDER - Rose Way and Wheatcroft Drive, Edwalton - Waiting Restrictions and No Stopping on School Entrance Markings

    The no waiting at any time restrictions will help ensure that the junctions and bends in the vicinity of the new school are kept clear of parked vehicles. The no stopping restrictions (School Keep Clear) and no waiting on Monday to Friday between 8am and 4.30pm restrictions will help to keep the road outside the school clear of vehicles during the school day making it safer for pupils attending the school. More
    Opened 27 October 2020
  • TRO 8307 Radcliffe Road and Cropwell Road - 50mph Speed Limit - ADVERT

    Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services. It is proposed to reduce the speed limit from 60 mph to 50 mph along Cropwell Road Radcliffe on Trent and Radcliffe Road, Crowell Butler. The proposed 50mph speed limit will help to improve road safety around the bends and at the junctions and vehicle entrances between Radcliffe on Trent and Cropwell Butler. More
    Opened 29 October 2020
  • HAS MADE- Parking Places, Beacon Hill Road, Newark-TRO 3314

    Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. The County Council has received requests to provide short-term parking on Beacon Hill Road, Newark. It has introduced two, one-hour, limited-waiting parking bays outside numbers 100 and 102. The bays would be in operation Mon-Sat 7am-7pm; as shown on drawing number H/MN/3446/01. The restriction will prevent this area from being occupied all day by a single vehicle... More
    Opened 30 October 2020
  • Has Made-Parking Restrictions Unnamed Road outside Suthers School, Fernwood-TRO 3317

    Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. To help with safety and visibility for pedestrians and vehicles travelling to Suthers School, Fernwood it has introduced enforceable ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions (Double Yellow Lines), No Stopping 6pm - 6am restriction (Single Yellow Line) and ‘School Keep Clear’ markings (No Stopping Monday to Friday between 8am and 4.30pm) as shown on drawing... More
    Opened 30 October 2020
  • TRO 8287 SEALED ORDER - Kneeton Road Crossroads, East Bridgford - Double Yellow Lines and Bus Stop Clearways

    The parking restrictions Traffic Regulation Order for Kneeton Crossroads, East Bridgford was sealed on Thursday 29th October 2020 2020 and will come into force on Mondy 2nd November 2020. The no waiting restriction are required to keep the road clear for vehicles to pass safely. The no stopping restrictions are to be applied to the school keep clear markings outside the school to prohibit stopping during the school day. More
    Opened 2 November 2020
  • A614 Consultation: Lowdham Roundabout and A6097/Kirk Hill traffic signal junction

    In July 2019, Nottinghamshire County Council and Via East Midlands held six consultation events showcasing proposals for the A614/A6097 which included junction improvements to: Ollerton Roundabout Mickledale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe Deerdale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe Warren Hill White Post Roundabout Lowdham Roundabout Whilst there was significant support for the measures proposed at Ollerton... More
    Opened 2 November 2020
  • Main Street and Renal's Way, Calverton - Proposed Waiting Restrictions

    The double yellow lines on Main Street are being introduced to remove parked vehicles from the junction of Main Street and Woods Lane. The proposed restrictions will give better visibility for vehicles turning into or out of the junction and will also give an unobstructed route for pedestrians to cross the road. On Renals Way the extension of the single yellow lines will remove parked vehicles from near the junction and from encroaching onto the neighbouring driveway. More
    Opened 4 November 2020
  • Main Street and Spring Lane, Lambley - Proposed Waiting Restrictions

    The proposed double yellow lines are being introduced to remove parked vehicles from the junction of Main Street/Spring Lane and Catfoot Lane. The proposed double yellow lines are an extension of the existing lines on Main Street and Spring Lane. The measures are to keep the area around the school entrance clear of parked vehicles to help make the area safer for children attending the school. The number of pupils attending the school on Catfoot Lane is expected to increase with the... More
    Opened 4 November 2020
  • TRO 8313 SEALED ORDER - Trent Lane, East Bridgford Permanent Prohibition of driving

    The permanent prohibition of driving Traffic Regulation Order along Trent Lane, East Bridgford was sealed on Wednesday 28th October 2020 2020 and will come into force on Wednesday 4th November. The road is closed to all motorised vehicles except those needing access to the fields. The reason for the closure is to prevent the road being used for rat running and to stop the road being used for fly-tipping and unsociable behaviour. More
    Opened 4 November 2020
  • Installation of Zebra Crossing: Scrooby Road, Bircotes

    Installation of Zebra Crossing: Scrooby Road, Bircotes Via East Midlands Ltd in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council is proposing to install a Zebra Crossing on Scrooby Road, near its junction with Grosvenor Road. The proposed crossing will provide a safer crossing facility for pedestrians over this busy road. The Zebra Crossing will incorporate a controlled area indicated by zig-zag markings along the approaches to the crossing within which... More
    Opened 5 November 2020
  • Proposed Parking Places-Kirklington Road, Rainworth- Mobility Impaired Parking Bays-TRO 3321

    Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. The County Council proposes to formalise the Mobility Impaired Parking Bays located on Kirklington Road, Rainworth, to prevent unauthorised use. It is therefore proposed to introduce two, Mobility Impaired Parking Bays outside Python Hill Primary School. The bays would be in operation All Days as shown on drawing number H/MN/3578/01. More
    Opened 5 November 2020
  • TRO 8312 Station Road, Keyworth - 30mph Speed Limit - ADVERT

    In order to fulfil a planning condition for the new housing development off Station Road, Keyworth and to improve road safety for pedestrians and road users, it is proposed to reduce the existing 40mph speed limit along Station Road, between Green Close and the village gateway, to 30mph. T More
    Opened 5 November 2020
  • TRO 5291 Nottingham Road, Nuthall Bus Lane, Single Yellow Lines - ADVERT

    Nottinghamshire County Council have received reports of vehicles parking in the bus lane along Nottingham Road, Nuthall between Watnall Road and the A610 roundabout. This is causing difficulties for buses using the bus lane and preventing its safe operation. In order to resolve these problems, it is proposed to introduce No Waiting Monday to Friday 7.30 - 9.30 am (Single Yellow Line) along the entire length of the bus lane. More
    Opened 6 November 2020
  • Nottingham Road/Mallow Way New Puffin Crossing

    Proposal to construct a new puffin crossing near Mallow Way on Nottingham Road in Bingham. More
    Opened 7 November 2020
  • TRO 5266 SEALED ORDER - Orchard Street, Kimberley - RPS

    The Traffic Regulation Order for the Residents Parking Scheme at Orchard Street, Kimberley was sealed on Wednesday 28th October 2020 and will come into force on Monday 9th November 2020. The Order is required to improve parking facilities for residents by removing non-residential parking along the south-western end of the street. Non- resident parking will be allowed for 2 hours at the north-eastern end of the street. More
    Opened 9 November 2020
  • Rushcliffe Bus Stop Clearway Programme - CONSULTATION

    The County Council works closely with all public transport operators across the County to identify bus stops that suffer from inconsiderate parking. At the locations listed, bus stop clearways are to be installed that prohibit other vehicles from parking or waiting in the bus stop at the times specified and these will be clearly identified with new road markings and signage. More
    Opened 12 November 2020
  • TRO 8306 ADVERT - Cotgrave Road, Normanton on the Wolds - 50mph Speed Limit

    Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services. I t is proposed to reduce the speed limit from 60 mph to 50 mph along Cotgrave Road at Normanton on the Wolds, between its junction with A606 Melton Road and approximately 500 metres south-west of its junction with Cotgrave Lane. The proposed speed limit will help to improve road safety around the bends and at the junctions and vehicle entrances. In addition, the existing 50mph... More
    Opened 12 November 2020
  • Mile End Rd, Colwick - Proposed Double Yellow Lines (no waiting at any time) REVISED

    The proposed double yellow lines are being introduced to remove parked vehicles from the 3 junctions off Mile End Road, from around the bend and pedestrian refuge on Mile End Road and from opposite Crosslands Meadow. The proposed restrictions will give better visibility for vehicles turning into or out of the junctions and will also give an unobstructed route for pedestrians to cross the road. The additional lines on Mile End Road will help ensure that visibility around the bend is not... More
    Opened 13 November 2020
  • Has Made - Permanent 7.5T weight restriction Caythorpe, Hoveringham and Lowdham-TRO 3300

    Via East Midlands Ltd, is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire. The County Council has received complaints regarding the volume of HGV traffic in the Hoveringham and Caythorpe area, particularly regarding their use of unsuitable rural roads and villages. To address these concerns and prevent the use of the local highway network for HGV through-traffic it is HAS introduced a Weight Restriction Order. This order will apply at... More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • The Nottinghamshire County Council (Shireoaks Common, Shireoaks) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2020 (1254)

    It is proposed to change the existing 60mph speed limit to 40mph between the A57 roundabout and the current 30mph speed limit on Shireoaks Common, Shireoak. The proposed 40mph speed limit will help ensure that vehicles entering the built-up area are travelling at a lower speed. More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • SEALED ORDER - Standhill Road and Highfield Drive, Carlton - Double Yellow Lines

    The restrictions have replaced the previous white line and PATROL markings at the junction of Highfield Drive and Standhill Road. The double yellow lines will help ensure that vehicles do not park in the vicinity of the junction. The removal of parked vehicles will give an unobstructed route for pedestrians, especially children attending the school on Standhill Road. Vehicles turning out of Highfield Drive will have a better view of traffic on Standhill Road. More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • Mansfield District-Proposed Bus Stop Clearways- Brick Kiln Lane and Station Street

    Via East Midlands Ltd, working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, proposes to create enforceable bus stop clearways at the following stops: - Station Street (MA0257)– 19 metre Bus Clearway-Outside numbers 54 and 56- No Stopping At Any Time except buses. Station Street (MA0465)– 19 metre Bus Clearway-Outside 49 and 51- No Stopping At Any Time except buses Brick Kiln Lane (MA0289)– 15 metre Bus Clearway outside numbers 103,105 and 107- ... More
    Opened 18 November 2020
  • A611 Annesley Road in Linby, Annesley and Hucknall - Proposed 50mph Speed Limit

    The new speed limit is being proposed as part of the current development off the A611 at Top Wighay Farm. The works involve the construction of a new signalised junction between the Annesley Road roundabout and the traffic lights at Hucknall Road. The new traffic lights are to enable vehicles to turn safely into the new development. The lower speed limit would give approaching vehicles more time to see and react to the traffic lights. The extension of the 50mph limit north-west of the... More
    Opened 18 November 2020
  • TRO 8314 ADVERT Stragglethorpe Lane, Stragglethorpe - 40mph Speed Limit

    In order to facilitate access to the new housing development at Colliers Way and to help improve road safety for all road users, it is proposed to reduce the existing national speed limit (60mph) along Stragglethorpe Road, on the approaches to Colliers Way, to 40mph. More
    Opened 20 November 2020
  • Proposed 30 mph Speed Limit-A60 Mansfield Road, Market Warsop- TRO 2239

    Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services. In order to fulfil a planning condition for the new housing development on Vale Road, Warsop and to improve road safety for pedestrians and road users it is proposed to extend the existing 30mph speed limit on Mansfield Road, Market Warsop from its current terminal point (north of Vale Avenue) in a southerly direction to the terminal point of the existing 40mph limit, south of the... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • REVISED proposed 50 mph Speed Limit-Averham Bypass and Staythorpe Road, Averham, Rolleston and Staythorpe-TRO 3320

    Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver highway services. Responding to a request from Averham Parish Council it is proposed to reduce the speed limit from 60 mph to 50 mph, along Averham Bypass and Staythorpe Road from its junction with A617, Averham, in a south-westerly direction to a point 460 metres north-east of its junction with Croft Farm Close, Rolleston and Staythorpe Road, Averham from its junction with Averham Bypass in a... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
1380 results. Page 19 of 46